понедельник, 2 сентября 2013 г.

fail2ban + Asterisk + Debian

1) # apt-get install fail2ban iptables python
2) # cd /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/
тут фильтры. (ололо)
3) # vim asterisk.conf
failregex = NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - Wrong password
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - No matching peer found
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - No matching peer found
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - Username/auth name mismatch
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - Device does not match ACL
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - Peer is not supposed to register
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - ACL error (permit/deny)
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - Device does not match ACL
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '\".*\".*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - No matching peer found
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '\".*\".*' failed for '<HOST>:.*' - Wrong password
            NOTICE.* <HOST> failed to authenticate as '.*'$
            NOTICE.* .*: No registration for peer '.*' \(from <HOST>\)
            NOTICE.* .*: Host <HOST> failed MD5 authentication for '.*' (.*)
            NOTICE.* .*: Failed to authenticate user .*@<HOST>.*
            NOTICE.* .*: <HOST> failed to authenticate as '.*'
            NOTICE.* .*: <HOST> tried  to authenticate with nonexistent user '.*'
            VERBOSE.*SIP/<HOST>-.*Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer

ignoreregex =
4) # vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
дописать в конфиг параметры очевидны.

# from asterisk
enabled  = true
filter   = asterisk
action   = iptables-allports[name=ASTERISK, protocol=all]
sendmail-whois[name=ASTERISK, dest=root, sender=root@kyct.ru]
logpath  = /home/asterisk/ap/log/messages
maxretry = 6
bantime = 259200
5) # vim /home/asterisk/ap/etc/logger.conf
 дописать в конфиг

dateformat=%F %T

6) Перезапускаем проверяем. 
# iptables -L -v